[Wicca Phase Springs Eternal:]

Running up that hill, you pushin' me back

Think that I can make you want it bad

I don't need it though

(I don't need it though)

Sometimes you make me wait and make it like a plan

Wish that you could help me understand

Why? Because I don't know (I dunno)

Sometimes I feel that weight, I hold that in my chest

Sometimes I hold it back, other times I'm blessed

Other times I want more, you put me in debt

I want you like so alive

Wanna be like so inside, wanna be like

Fore me want you to be more into it than this

For me I want more than you seem to wanna give

I see passion in the way you turn your back

wrist - معصم
wicca - يكا
weight - وزن
wanna - اريد
understand - تفهم
trying - محاولة
times - مرات
though - اعتقد
without - بدون
think - يفكر
dream - حلم
eternal - أبدي
fucking - سخيف
doubt - شك
lucid - واضح
could - استطاع
dunno - دونو
climbing - التسلق
forgot - نسيت
clawing - الخمش
passion - شغف
acting - التمثيل
again - مرة أخرى
chest - صدر
altar - مذبح
haunt - تطارد
passing - عابر
reason - السبب
alive - على قيد الحياة
sometimes - بعض الأحيان
start - بداية
bring - احضر
because - لان
myself - نفسي
about - حول
other - آخر
blessed - مبارك
thought - فكر
brought - جلبت
project - مشروع
hollywood - هوليوود
money - مال
leave - غادر
phase - مرحلة
place - مكان
absolute - مطلق
dreaming - الحلم
single - غير مرتبطة
moving - متحرك
please - رجاء
vision - رؤية
swear - أقسم
really - هل حقا
remember - تذكر
running - جري
silhouette - خيال
inside - في داخل
something - شيئا ما
springs - الينابيع

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