The fate of a roving gambler

Is waiting down the bloodthirsty highway

The highway is my home, I’m a rambler

And I have to pay the devil every day

Now if I should owe a friend a million dollars

He knows my guarantee is sound

If we should get hijacked by robbers

There’d be no big money laying all around

I may be gone to the devil

through - عبر
tables - الجداول
sound - صوت
rollin - رولين
politician - سياسي
there - هناك
pocket - جيب
playing - تلعب
piper - زمار
party - حفل
pistol - مسدس
money - مال
million - مليون
special - خاص
laying - وضع
knows - يعرف
jumping - القفز
fivers - fivers
dancing - رقص
devil - إبليس
bloodthirsty - سفاح
gambler - مقامر
dollars - دولار
carry - يحمل
around - حول
hustle - صخب
insurance - تأمين
payers - دافعي
banker - مصرفي
friend - صديق
friendly - ودود
friends - اصحاب
never - أبدا
guarantee - ضمان
could - استطاع
hijacked - مخطوفة
should - ينبغي
robbers - لصوص
poker - لعبة البوكر
every - individle
health - الصحة
waiting - انتظار
roving - متنقل
hearted - القلب
highway - الطريق السريع
hoops - الأطواق

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