The high priest of money looks down on the river

The dawn coming up on his kingdom of gold

When the rim of the sun sends an arrow of silver

He prays to the gods of the bought and the sold

He turns to his symbols, his ribbons of numbers

They circle and spin on their mystical scroll

He looks for a sign while the city still slumbers

And the ribbons and the river forever unroll

In his kingdom of gold, his kingdom of gold

Kingdom of gold, his kingdom of gold

levelled - تعادل
burned - أحرق
kingdom - مملكة
turbulent - عنيف
horizon - الأفق
haven - ملاذ
numbers - أعداد
raiders - غزاة
leaders - قادة
traces - آثار
prays - يصلي
money - مال
mystical - الروحاني
falter - تداعى
enemy - العدو
devils - الشياطين
bought - اشترى
castle - قلعة
jackals - ابن آوى
forever - إلى الأبد
citadel - قلعة
arrow - سهم
sends - يرسل
still - ما يزال
armour - درع
camps - مخيمات
fortress - قلعة
circle - دائرة
looks - تبدو
smoke - دخان
taken - تؤخذ
coming - آت
conquer - يغزو
priest - كاهن
rabble - رعاع
ravens - الغربان
walls - الجدران
river - نهر
while - في حين
their - هم
scroll - التمرير
silver - فضة
slumbers - slumbers
symbols - حرف
ribbons - أشرطة
these - هؤلاء
turns - يتحول
unroll - انبسط

اضغط فوق أي كلمة لمشاهدة ترجمتها

اضغط فوق هذه الأيقونة لترجمة الجملة بأكملها