You taught me a lesson about love today

Love is not a castle in the clouds

Cause when there's a storm, it'll all come crashing down

I'd rather find it like a penny on the ground

Cause that's something I can keep and carry around

Truth is not a feather blowin' round in the wind

It's that jump in your heart, goosebumps on your skin

Just pinch me if it's really happening

Cause I'm more awake than I've ever been

And you're the one from my dream

You're out of my mind

And into my heart

witness - الشاهد
typical - نموذجي
ground - أرض
something - شيئا ما
think - يفكر
goosebumps - صرخة الرعب
round - مستدير - كروي
dreams - أحلام
heart - قلب
rather - بدلا
evidence - دليل
chorus - جوقة
dream - حلم
feather - ريشة
crashing - تحطمها
still - ما يزال
could - استطاع
truth - حقيقة
cause - سبب
around - حول
believe - يصدق
comes - يأتي
about - حول
clouds - سحاب
front - أمامي
castle - قلعة
point - نقطة
doubter - الشكاك
hands - أيادي
lesson - درس
today - اليوم
never - أبدا
penny - قرش
pinch - قرصة
really - هل حقا
proof - دليل
carry - يحمل
storm - عاصفة
feeling - شعور
right - حق
understand - تفهم
grounded - على الارض
awake - مستيقظ
stand - يفهم
someone - شخصا ما
happening - حدث
taught - يعلم
hardcore - المتشددين
thought - فكر

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