Presidents and peace spreading poets

Getting gunned down in the streets

Shown to us on our prime time screens

For our tea time treat

Lunatics we voted for denying

Everything that they swore

We sit around and shout about it

But we don't do nothing more

Drafted for police action

But they decided on a war

Telling us we were saving mankind

Why don't you ask Cambodia

We were solving it with marijuana

We were sure that we could

Always leavin' it to someone else

Just knocking on wood

We're goin' back to the trenches

treat - يعالج
telling - تقول
telephone - هاتف
trenches - خنادق
gonna - سوف
knocking - طرق
gotta - فلدي
front - أمامي
around - حول
prime - أولي
wants - يريد
think - يفكر
saving - إنقاذ
fiddle - كمان
denying - نافيا
guilty - مذنب
police - شرطة
crime - جريمة
decided - قرر
peace - سلام
lunatics - المجانين
could - استطاع
address - عنوان
poets - الشعراء
always - دائما
conversations - المحادثات
swore - أقسم
action - عمل
headed - ذو رأس
cambodia - كمبوديا
nothing - لا شيئ
everybody - الجميع
drafted - صاغت
about - حول
spreading - الانتشار
changes - التغييرات
children - الأطفال
ignore - تجاهل
mankind - بشرية
marijuana - قنب هندي
voted - تم التصويت
presidents - الرؤساء
gunned - قتل
score - أحرز هدفاً
safer - أكثر أمانا
better - أفضل
getting - الحصول على
shout - يصيح، يصرخ، صيحة
screens - شاشات
shown - أظهرت
everything - كل شىء
solving - حل
someone - شخصا ما
streets - الشوارع
starts - يبدأ

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