[ Nicole (Diddy) ]

It's Bad Boy bitch

Do it do it do it do it

Do it do it do it do it

(It feels good to be back, I missed ya)

Relax your mind, let your conscience be free

And I roll with the sounds of BBE

Do it do it do it do it

Do it do it do it do it

(You know what time it is)

(Report to the dance floor)

It's bad boy bitch

(Talk to 'em)

[ Nicole ]

See you out the corner of my eye

Leaning on the wall, looking fly

I want you to come be with me

You're the only one I wanna talk to

But I don't wanna rush

[ Chorus - Nicole: ]

I'm here when will you make your move?

I see you, I am me, I want cha, why don't cha

Come to me, I can be, what you need, uh baby

I'm standing, been waiting, I'm

yearning, I'm burning

Get to know me, come and get to know me

Come to show me, that you wanna know me

[ Diddy ]

You know who it is, I'm back in the building

Security strapped, still stacking a million

It's doubt with the

stallion, somethin' Italian

Or maybe Puerto Rican, you

can catch me in Paris

I'm in it to win it but willing to carry

The game, if you think I'm

words - كلمات
willing - راغب
where - أين
water - ماء
wanna - اريد
thoughts - أفكار
think - يفكر
swerve - انحرف
suede - سويدي
style - قلم المدقة
still - ما يزال
stare - التحديق
sounds - اصوات
screaming - صراخ
right - حق
taste - المذاق
rican - ريكى
report - أبلغ عن
relax - الاسترخاء
really - هل حقا
press - صحافة
please - رجاء
phantom - وهمي
people - اشخاص
order - طلب
nicole - نيكول
standing - مكانة
million - مليون
shine - يلمع
clear - واضح
chorus - جوقة
stacking - التراص
catch - قبض على
paris - باريس
building - بناء
yearning - توق
happen - يحدث
clean - نظيف
conscience - ضمير
carry - يحمل
called - مسمي
carats - قيراط
burning - احتراق
anthem - نشيد وطني
whole - كامل
security - الأمان
bitch - الكلبة
admire - معجب
stallion - فحل الخيل
floor - أرضية
strapped - يعاني من نقص شديد
stormy - عاصف
looking - يبحث
closer - أقرب
maybe - يمكن
again - مرة أخرى
entertainment - وسائل الترفيه
waiting - انتظار
absurd - سخيف
stole - نهب
believe - يصدق
puerto - بويرتو
appear - بدا
about - حول
before - قبل
miracles - المعجزات
dropped - إسقاط
anywhere - في أى مكان
corner - ركن
diddy - ديدي
heart - قلب
leaning - ميل
cause - سبب
dance - رقص
coming - آت
fantasising - التخيل
juice - عصير
necklace - قلادة
diamond - الماس
missed - افتقد
digging - حفر
opera - دار الأوبرا
doubt - شك
wanted - مطلوب
anticipating - توقع
extravagant - مفرط
feels - يشعر
getting - الحصول على
speaking - تكلم
gotta - فلدي
perplexes -
italian - الإيطالي
language - لغة

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