It was seven in the morning when the spark

began to give. the bath was spilling over, my

self pity spilling with it, so i, i fled the country

to start it all again and found myself in paris in

the cemetery rain.

dear anne came to me and took me by the arm

showed me old disasters embedded in the palm

warned me of a lady with the sun behind her head.

with a a granite neck, a singer who can never sing

again. but you, my love:

system - النظام
warned - حذر
spark - شرارة
singer - مطرب
shine - يلمع
shall - سوف
shake - هزة
seven - سبعة
schoolboys -
running - جري
really - هل حقا
ready - جاهز
paris - باريس
nowhere - لا مكان
these - هؤلاء
never - أبدا
showed - أظهر
myself - نفسي
found - وجدت
behind - خلف
stairs - درج
burnt - أحرق
moving - متحرك
walking - المشي
again - مرة أخرى
angel - ملاك
embedded - المضمنة
country - بلد
lawyer - المحامية
always - دائما
disasters - الكوارث
began - بدأت
enjoy - استمتع
ghost - شبح
going - ذاهب
spilling - سفك
morning - صباح
sorrow - حزن
granite - صوان
hundred - مائة
start - بداية
hands - أيادي
inside - في داخل
cemetery - مقبرة
marching - مسيرة

اضغط فوق أي كلمة لمشاهدة ترجمتها

اضغط فوق هذه الأيقونة لترجمة الجملة بأكملها