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كلمات اغنية Good Doctor - Robbie Williams

Good Doctor - Robbie Williams

كلمات للدراسة

Can we do it again

Take that, take that


You alright star

No star

You alright star

You alright star

No star

I don 't feel proper

[1st Verse]

I went to the dr to get a prescription

I told him little fact and lots of fiction

About a bad back that I ain't got

He tried to sell me faith healing

But I think not

I want Xanax, Vicadin and Oxycotton

Funky fill the form out

So I can drop em'

I've got all these demons

And I can't stop em'

To tell you the truth Doc

I might have a problem

Robert Williams take one adoral with water in the morning

As if I'm goin' to take one tablet I'm Keith Moon

Dick head

[Chorus 2]

He said this one's to take you up

Wow how

He said this one's to take you down

When I take um I don't feel sound

And I look rather... Round

You alright star

No star

You alright star

No star

You alright star

No star

I don 't feel proper

[2nd Verse]

You know what Doc its alright and all

I just heart me leg its not terminal

But a pain killer could help for whats wrong with my knee

And I'm a little bit down from too much tea

Got me own collection can't get an er******

If I take em' too long they'll fuck me complextion

That's right If I take em for like more than a few days I get that haunted look

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