There's a place I call Sleepy Hollow

Where I go when you're not around

There's a brook running clear in the meadow

I lose my blues in it's sound

The wind and the trees from the hollow

Whisper secrets of life in my ear

When I lay down in their shadows

where - أين
trees - الأشجار
touch - لمس. اتصال. صلة
thing - شيء
their - هم
still - ما يزال
clear - واضح
softly - بهدوء
brook - غدير
dreams - أحلام
place - مكان
dream - حلم
sound - صوت
until - حتى
around - حول
blues - البلوز
means - يعني
bubbling - محتدما
babbling - ثرثار
found - وجدت
blowing - نفخ
laughter - ضحك
whisper - همسة
meadow - مرج
after - بعد
running - جري
secrets - أسرار
hollow - أجوف
shadows - الظلال
sleepy - نعسان

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