Taste my body to know my long dark past

Please console me now like no one else can

You say someone somewhere loves me

But they are not here now and it’s not you

Touch me and make me believe I am important to you

Or maybe being screwed make me feel so loved

I’m so pale when I try to conquer you

So silly to be convinced that your are mine or am I fool?

Oh god, this is the last chance

I have to meet the boy I saw

whore - عاهرة
touch - لمس. اتصال. صلة
there - هناك
taste - المذاق
someone - شخصا ما
silly - سخيف
please - رجاء
place - مكان
other - آخر
loves - يحب
chance - فرصة
certainty - السياقات
somewhere - مكان ما
cause - سبب
believe - يصدق
behind - خلف
dirty - قذر
desperate - يائس
after - بعد
symbolize - رمز
alone - وحده
leave - غادر
doubt - شك
about - حول
console - وحدة التحكم
attractive - ملفت للانتباه
conquer - يغزو
maybe - يمكن
being - يجرى
convinced - مقتنع
feeling - شعور
either - إما
loved - أحب
heart - قلب
tricksy - الانيق
convince - إقناع
important - مهم
screwed - ثمل
inside - في داخل

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