That creepy guy gave me your hat,

Right before you arrived in my room,

You know you shouldn't ever look at anyone like that,

You know you're not that great when you drink in the afternoon.

Now I wouldn't want to chance anything,

It's far too early in the morning,

I should probably eat and you should probably drink,

I think that banging on the walls is a warning.

I heard your brand new song,

On the radio,

And it made me remember,

warning - تحذير
walls - الجدران
funny - مضحك
right - حق
floor - أرضية
should - ينبغي
drink - يشرب
outside - في الخارج
crack - الكراك
remember - تذكر
banging - قرع
singing - الغناء
anyone - أي واحد
famous - مشهور
grain - حبوب
night - ليل
creepy - زاحف
bells - أجراس
morning - صباح
doorman - بواب
probably - المحتمل
arrived - وصل
about - حول
chair - كرسي
every - individle
coming - آت
because - لان
before - قبل
anything - اى شى
reminds - تذكر
sister - أخت
chance - فرصة
brand - علامة تجارية
great - عظيم
heard - سمعت
parading - تتقاطر
heavy - ثقيل
radio - راديو
inclusive - شامل
threw - يرمي
kaftan -
picked - التقطت
think - يفكر
afternoon - بعد الظهر
nearly - تقريبا
ringing - رنين
spain - إسبانيا
summer - الصيف
early - مبكرا
square - ميدان
washing - غسل
start - بداية

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