Now that since I've found your face

in the most peculiar place

I don't feel I've anything to prove

to anyone else but you

And I think of her

and she thinks of him

and there's no escaping

this mess that we're in

but its like she's holding court

down each street that we walk

and as she's drawing all that heat

I feel like the ground beneath her feet

Glance past a skyline of factories

think of that life that was over to you

written - مكتوب
wonder - يتساءل
waterproof - ضد للماء
those - أولئك
thinks - يعتقد
purse - محفظة
crawl - زحف
since - منذ
peculiar - غريب
court - محكمة
counting - عد
thing - شيء
skyline - أفق
chance - فرصة
street - شارع
beneath - تحت
still - ما يزال
drawing - رسم
again - مرة أخرى
sweep - مسح
black - أسود
along - على طول
surmise - حدس
found - وجدت
pills - حبوب الدواء
potions - الجرع
anything - اى شى
factories - المصانع
price - السعر
glance - لمحة
anyone - أي واحد
escaping - الهروب
funny - مضحك
think - يفكر
ground - أرض
holding - تحتجز
prove - إثبات
numbers - أعداد
place - مكان

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اضغط فوق هذه الأيقونة لترجمة الجملة بأكملها