These visions in your vapor make you more and less

Keeping chaos is a chore today

But that murder in your sorrow bellows smoke and death

I wonder what the neighbors... will think of to say?

Thunderstorms, banging on my windows

Chloroform, sticking to my face and then

Careful now, a symbol is a promise

Going down, going down in flames

Before the crash

We get you home

It's nothing serious

It's just the space between the sword and stone

Only the ones left over

Will ever get it right

We all know (know)

We know the riddle but the answer is mine

Cause only the ones left over

Will ever get it right

We all know (know)

We know the future is another Friday knight

windows - شبابيك
visions - رؤى
villains - الأشرار
sword - سيف
stone - حجر
wonder - يتساءل
today - اليوم
crash - يصطدم _ تصادم
cause - سبب
chloroform - الكلوروفورم
symbol - رمز
exquisite - رائع
chaos - فوضى
think - يفكر
sticking - الالتصاق
careful - حذر
breaks - فواصل
always - دائما
makes - يصنع
answer - إجابة
differences - اختلافات
another - آخر
death - الموت
confrontation - مواجهة
nothing - لا شيئ
chore - عمل روتيني
again - مرة أخرى
before - قبل
goddamn - ملعون
quotation - اقتباس
sounds - اصوات
bellows - منفاخ
these - هؤلاء
blame - لوم
keeping - حفظ
between - ما بين
banging - قرع
friday - يوم الجمعة
smoke - دخان
catch - قبض على
promise - وعد
flames - النيران
future - مستقبل
absentia - غيابيا
going - ذاهب
inside - في داخل
knight - فارس
thunderstorms - عواصف رعدية
murder - قتل
neighbors - الجيران
never - أبدا
divine - إلهي
riddle - لغز
vapor - بخار
right - حق
heroes - الأبطال
serious - جدي
sorrow - حزن
space - الفراغ

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