Spent the day with my dad and his old friend, Jim Wise

He's on house arrest and he sits around inside

We brought him food from Panera Bread, the snoring sun rolled out of bed

He talked about his ninety Corvette, his warehouse job, and his knee replacement

Jim Wise mercy killed his wife in a hospital at her bedside

And he put the gun to his head and it jammed and he didn't die

He went to trial all summer long and his eyes welled up when he told us

About how much she loved the backyard garden and the budding rosebush

She loved the garden, and its budding rosebush

words - كلمات
welled - حفر آبار
thick - سميك
sticky - لزج
spent - أنفق
snoring - الشخير
sighed - تنهد
shelves - رفوف
rolled - توالت
ratty - نزق
pretty - جميلة
cardinal - العدد بالرقم
budding - تبرعم
replacement - إستبدال
birdbath - حمام الطيور
bracelet - سوار
stepped - صعدت
catheter - القسطرة
nicks - النكات
ninety - تسعين
panera - بانيرا
baked - مخبوز
white - أبيض
corvette - الحراقة سفينة حربية قديمة
stevie - ستيفي
bright - مشرق
inside - في داخل
boards - المجالس
albums - ألبومات
amish - الأميش
today - اليوم
beard - لحية
mercy - رحمة
ankle - الكاحل
talked - تحدث
coming - آت
across - عبر
perched - تطفو
cabinets - خزائن
mansfield - مانسفيلد
sound - صوت
bedside - جانب السرير
about - حول
warehouse - مستودع
around - حول
arrest - يقبض على
beans - فاصوليا
screen - شاشة
backyard - الفناء الخلفي
brought - جلبت
bread - خبز
doors - الأبواب
empty - فارغة
rosebush - غصن الورد
failed - فشل
flash - فلاش
friend - صديق
garden - حديقة
suicide - انتحار
headed - ذو رأس
jammed - مزدحم
hospital - مستشفى
house - منزل
killed - قتل
stares - يحدق
outside - في الخارج
kitchen - مطبخ
summer - الصيف
loved - أحب
trial - التجربة
prison - السجن
pointed - يشير الى

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