We could leave the Christmas lights up 'til January

This is our place, we make the rules

And there's a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you dear

Have I known you 20 seconds or 20 years?

Can I go where you go?

Can we always be this close forever and ever?

And ah, take me out and take me home

You're my, my, my, my lover

We could let our friends crash in the living room

This is our place, we make the call

And I'm highly suspicious that everyone who sees you wants you

I've loved you three summers now, honey, but I want 'em all

yours - خاصة بك
where - أين
years - سنوات
borrowed - اقترضت، استعارت
friends - اصحاب
jokes - نكات
forever - إلى الأبد
every - individle
christmas - عيد الميلاد
loved - أحب
gentlemen - السادة الأفاضل
about - حول
always - دائما
dirtiest - أقذر
close - أغلق
could - استطاع
dazzling - باهر
crash - يصطدم _ تصادم
highly - جدا
january - كانون الثاني
darling - حبيبي
ladies - السيدات
guitar - غيتار
force - فرض
leave - غادر
lights - أضواء
living - المعيشة
suspicious - مشبوه
table - الطاولة
lover - حبيب
magnetic - مغناطيسي
honey - عسل
place - مكان
mysterious - غامض
heart - قلب
rules - قواعد
known - معروف
three - ثلاثة
please - رجاء
seconds - ثواني
stand - يفهم
overdramatic - overdramatic
summers - الصيف
string - خيط
wants - يريد
everyone - كل واحد
swear - أقسم

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