I daydreamed that we were kids still in high school

Remember when I ran and hid cuz I liked you

We fell in love just because we had the right to

Ain't it crazy how the world and the time flew

You put your digits in my flip phone

Turned up the radio so we could get our kiss on

Ima text you sweet dreams when I get home

But we forget to seize the moment until it's gone

Hall pass skippin class in the back lot

Wish we could travel to the past for one last shot

You'll be my cheerleader I'll be your mascot

Take you to the prom steal a kiss that your dad caught

Years later gettin married how the wine taste

Ima put you in my top eight on my myspace

Maybe it's the wrong time but the right place

But whatever the case just, just

Hop in my jeep, there's no doors on it

Kick it with me, I'm all yours baby

worries - المخاوف
world - العالمية
white - أبيض
until - حتى
trust - ثقة
travel - السفر
taste - المذاق
things - أشياء
sweet - حلو
still - ما يزال
spilled - المسكوب
someone - شخصا ما
forget - ننسى
cheerleader - المشجع
married - زوجت
doors - الأبواب
grateful - الامتنان
heaven - الجنة
dreams - أحلام
eight - ثمانية
steal - سرقة
digits - الأرقام
older - اكبر سنا
caught - القبض
liked - احب
gettin - غيتين
really - هل حقا
remember - تذكر
bottle - زجاجة
yours - خاصة بك
there - هناك
school - مدرسة
because - لان
every - individle
wrong - خطأ
beach - شاطئ بحر
years - سنوات
class - صف دراسي
turned - تحول
nothin - نتين
maybe - يمكن
wanna - اريد
radio - راديو
daydreamed - daydreamed
could - استطاع
beside - بجانب
dress - فستان
mascot - تعويذة
crazy - مجنون
finest - أروع
later - في وقت لاحق
laughing - يضحك
initials - بالاحرف الاولى
right - حق
myspace - ماي سبيس
timeless - أبدي
never - أبدا
nobody - لا أحد
heart - قلب
moment - لحظة
phone - هاتف
place - مكان
seize - حجز
whatever - ايا كان
single - غير مرتبطة
shape - شكل
shoulder - كتف

اضغط فوق أي كلمة لمشاهدة ترجمتها

اضغط فوق هذه الأيقونة لترجمة الجملة بأكملها