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كلمات اغنية Watcha talkin' bout - Victoria Beckham

Watcha talkin' bout - Victoria Beckham

كلمات للدراسة

Whatchu talkin' bout

Whatchu talkin' bout

Whatchu talkin' bout

Whatchu talkin' bout

Whatchu talkin' bout

Whatchu talkin' bout (oh oh)

Whatchu talkin' bout (oh oh)

Whatchu talkin' bout

Whatchu talkin' bout

Whatchu talkin' bout (what what what)

Whatchu talkin' bout

Whatchu talkin' bout

I remember talking to you constantly

Cos we were cool like that

Playing silly games with you, we had a ball

Going to the movies, or just hangin' out

Watching a DVD

But now it's let's do lunch

The limo pickin' you up around three

Sayin' hit me on my mobile

I'm a little busy

Got a lot a people to call (oh-whoa you)

Whatchu talkin' bout, I don't really hear it

Cos you keep on fadin' out

You're not comin' through, whatcha gon' do? (gon' do?)

Whatchu talkin' bout, who you think you're fooling? (oh)

There's no way I'm hangin' out

With someone like you, whatcha gon' do?

It started when the fame and fans kept coming in

And then you changed on us

Then you told us you were cool and we were wrong

When I call you on the phone