تعلم الإنجليزية الحقيقية من الأفلام والكتب.
أضف كلمات أو عبارات للتعلم والتدريب مع متعلمين آخرين.
استخدم شريط التمرير لتحرير بداية ونهاية مقطع الفيديو
انقر فوق رموز التدريب التي تريد إضافة العبارة لها لمزيد من الدراسة
انقر كلمة أو أبرز عبارة لرؤية الترجمة
انقر "زائد" لإضافة كلمة/عبارة للتعلم
ابدأ التعلم
We should go to the zoo
today after your speech.
I hear it's really good.
They have breeding programs for
all these endangered species.
I'm sorry, what did you say?
Oh. They have breeding programs
for all these endangered species.
So you get to see things like pandas,
which I think are awfully cute.
They're not really
bears, I read.
Yeah. Sure.
That sounds fine.
What is it?
- Nothing. The zoo sounds good.
My stomach hurts. It feels empty.
It's clenched.
Well, eat some more
waffle maybe?
Did I do something wrong?
I'm sorry. Darling.
- It's okay.
I'm anxious about my speech, I suppose.
- Of course.
Well, we'll have fun after. We
don't have to go to the zoo.
We can just hang out here.
I have the whole weekend till
I have to get back to work.
That's great.
I'm so happy, Michael.
I've waited for someone
like you my whole life.
I've waited, too.
We'll work it all out, right?
Yes. Who would've thunk it?
It's just so beautiful.
Life can be.
Things can work out.
That's the lesson.
Sometimes there's no lesson.
That's a lesson in itself.
I guess so.
I feel anxious, Michael.
I feel something.
Like you're different-acting.
Me? No, no, no. Everything's fine.
I'm just... - I know.
I'm not great to look
at in bright sunlight.
No, you're very pretty.
So, we could maybe go out for a
walk and talk or something. - Yes.
So I'll see you after?
- Of course.
wrong - خطأ
whole - كامل
itself - بحد ذاتها
pretty - جميلة
stomach - معدة
waffle - كعكة بالفواكه
hurts - يؤلم
happy - السعيدة
feels - يشعر
acting - التمثيل
different - مختلف
lesson - درس
today - اليوم
bright - مشرق
nothing - لا شيئ
anxious - قلق
bears - تتحمل
after - بعد
great - عظيم
waited - انتظر
guess - خمن
breeding - تربية
endangered - المهددة بالخطر
beautiful - جميلة
could - استطاع
darling - حبيبي
weekend - عطلة نهاية الاسبوع
these - هؤلاء
maybe - يمكن
sorry - معذرة
someone - شخصا ما
michael - ميخائيل
sounds - اصوات
empty - فارغة
pandas - الباندا
suppose - افترض
about - حول
programs - برامج
really - هل حقا
should - ينبغي
something - شيئا ما
course - دورة
things - أشياء
which - التي
think - يفكر
sometimes - بعض الأحيان
species - محيط
speech - خطاب
awfully - على نحو بغيض
right - حق
sunlight - ضوء الشمس
thunk - THUNK
انقر كلمة أو أبرز عبارة لرؤية الترجمة
انقر "زائد" لإضافة كلمة/عبارة للتعلم
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