تعلم الإنجليزية الحقيقية من الأفلام والكتب.
أضف كلمات أو عبارات للتعلم والتدريب مع متعلمين آخرين.
استخدم شريط التمرير لتحرير بداية ونهاية مقطع الفيديو
انقر فوق رموز التدريب التي تريد إضافة العبارة لها لمزيد من الدراسة
انقر كلمة أو أبرز عبارة لرؤية الترجمة
انقر "زائد" لإضافة كلمة/عبارة للتعلم
ابدأ التعلم
This does not smell like an I HOP.
We got a little surprise first.
Here we go. Now, I want you to
walk right here, my dear.
- Come on.
- Oh, God.
- You Grogan?
- Yes.
- Expected you an hour ago.
- You're gonna like this.
Step up. Sorry.
Sorry about the mess-
- And the noise and the smell.
- What's happening?
- Can I look?
- No, no. Just Almost. Almost.
- Okay. Okay. Ready?
- Really?
One, two, three. Go.
Happy birthday.
What? God, they're adorable.
Oh, my... My birthday's
not for a month.
That's okay. They can't leave
for three weeks anyway.
- We didn't discuss this.
- I know, but it's a surprise. You can't.
- Hi, guys.
- Just adopted the mom last month.
Family that gave her up didn't
even know she was pregnant.
- Are you sure we're ready for this?
- Well, like I told you...
you gotta wait three weeks for them to
be weaned before you can bring 'em home.
- I'm not even gonna be here.
- Why?
- I'll be in Gainesville, covering that trial.
- Oh, that's right.
That's okay. It'll give me
a chance to bond with him...
- get a head start on training 'im.
And get 'im squared away
- before you get home.
- That's true.
- Well, how are we gonna pick one?
- Girls are 300.
Boys are 275.
Except for that little guy there.
Him you could have for 200 even.
This one? You're so sweet.
You're like a little clearance puppy.
- Hello, puppy.
- This one likes you.
Clearance Puppy likes you.
- Well, that's your guy.
- Aw.
I was gonna pick you anyway.
Don't tell anybody.
Don't tell the others.
trial - التجربة
gonna - سوف
squared - مربع
girls - الفتيات
gainesville - غاينيسفيل
anyway - على أي حال
almost - تقريبيا
gotta - فلدي
weaned - مفطوم
noise - الضوضاء
anybody - اي شخص
could - استطاع
month - شهر
adorable - بديع
smell - رائحة
first - الأول
really - هل حقا
surprise - مفاجأة
expected - متوقع
except - إلا
leave - غادر
about - حول
birthday - عيد الميلاد
sweet - حلو
clearance - تخليص
weeks - أسابيع
before - قبل
happening - حدث
chance - فرصة
covering - تغطية
grogan - جروجان
happy - السعيدة
hello - مرحبا
discuss - مناقشة
likes - الإعجابات
family - أسرة
bring - احضر
little - قليل
adopted - اعتمد
others - الآخرين
pregnant - حامل
puppy - جرو
ready - جاهز
sorry - معذرة
right - حق
start - بداية
there - هناك
three - ثلاثة
training - تدريب
انقر كلمة أو أبرز عبارة لرؤية الترجمة
انقر "زائد" لإضافة كلمة/عبارة للتعلم
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