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Morning Glory - Are You Gonna Sing? (Ar)

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    الفئة: Movie Scenes
    نص الفيديو
    كلمات للدراسة

    So you're a fan
    of our morning program?

    - Yeah, I think it has so many...
    - Yeah, yeah, we know it's terrible.

    Perpetually in fourth place behind
    the Today show, Good Morning America

    and that thing on CBS,
    whatever it's called.

    It's a source of constant humiliation.

    Last year, in the network softball
    league, the CBS team wore hats

    that said,
    "At least we're not Daybreak."

    The anchors of the show
    are difficult and semi...

    - Oh, I think Colleen Peck is a pro.
    - Heinous.

    - Paul McVee is a fine reporter.
    - Foul.

    OK. Is Daybreak a shitty show? Yes.

    But it's on a network.
    And not just any network.

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