It's been such a long time since I met you back on Skaro

And I'm pretty sure that you know

That not much has changed since then

It doesn't matter how hard you try to remove me

I think you will agree

That if one of us dies, then the other will too

I am locked in war with you

Exterminate, Regenerate

I thought you always knew our fate

To just keep fighting on and on

While time keeps turning

Regenerate, Exterminate

And even though we are the same

Why don't you hop into your ship

And leave me burning

Even though, as men, we have our contrasts

We're of exactly the same class

And our constant companion is death

while - mientras
weapons - armas
travel - viajar
together - juntos
thought - pensamiento
though - aunque
types - tipos
think - pensar
takes - toma
world - mundo
turning - torneado
since - ya que
settle - resolver
remove - retirar
regenerate - regenerado
people - gente
class - clase
burning - ardiente
carry - llevar
contrasts - contrastes
reality - realidad
changed - cambiado
fighting - lucha
seems - parece
constant - constante
flame - llama
pretty - bonita
devour - devorar
agree - de acuerdo
always - siempre
skaro - skaro
fashioning - moda
other - otro
death - muerte
separates - coordinados
exactly - exactamente
companion - compañero
forever - siempre
matter - importar
exterminate - kattints egy szóra vagy jelölj ki egy mondatot, hogy lásd a fordítást.
impossible - imposible
better - mejor
keeps - mantiene
power - poder
leave - salir
locked - bloqueado

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