It's been such a long time since I met you back on Skaro

And I'm pretty sure that you know

That not much has changed since then

It doesn't matter how hard you try to remove me

I think you will agree

That if one of us dies, then the other will too

I am locked in war with you

Exterminate, Regenerate

I thought you always knew our fate

To just keep fighting on and on

While time keeps turning

Regenerate, Exterminate

And even though we are the same

Why don't you hop into your ship

And leave me burning

Even though, as men, we have our contrasts

We're of exactly the same class

And our constant companion is death

while - mentre
weapons - armi
travel - viaggio
together - insieme
thought - pensato
though - anche se
types - Tipi
think - pensare
takes - prende
world - mondo
turning - svolta
since - da
settle - stabilirsi
remove - rimuovere
regenerate - rigenerare
people - persone
class - classe
burning - ardente
carry - trasportare
contrasts - contrasti
reality - la realtà
changed - cambiato
fighting - combattente
seems - sembra
constant - costante
flame - fiamma
pretty - bella
devour - divorare
agree - essere d'accordo
always - sempre
skaro - skaro
fashioning - fashioning
other - altro
death - morte
separates - coordinati
exactly - di preciso
companion - compagno
forever - per sempre
matter - importa
exterminate - kattints egy szóra vagy jelölj ki egy mondatot, hogy lásd a fordítást.
impossible - impossibile
better - meglio
keeps - mantiene
power - energia
leave - partire
locked - bloccato

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