[crowd noise same as for "Alphabet Street"]

He like to frequent this club down up on 36th

Pimps and thangs like 2 hang outside and cuss for kicks

Talking 2 no one in particular, they say "the baddest I am tonight"

4 letter words are seldom heard with such dignity and bite.

All the poets and the part time singers always hang inside

Live music from a band plays a song called "Soul Psychodelicide".

The song's a year long and had been playing 4 months when he

Walked into the place.

No one seemed to care, an introverted this-is-it look on most of their faces.

Up on the mic repeating 2 words, over and over again

Was this woman he had never noticed before he lost himself in the

Articulated manner in which she said them.

These 2 words, a little bit behind the beat.

I mean just enough 2 turn u on.

4 everytime she said the words another one of his doubts were gone.

Should he try 2 rap with her? Should he stand and stare?

No one else was watching her, she didn't seem 2 care.

words - palabras
woman - Mujer
which - cual
walked - caminado
truly - verdaderamente
together - juntos
these - estas
their - su
talking - hablando
street - calle
started - empezado
stare - mirar fijamente
stand - estar
someone - alguien
wishes - deseos
singers - cantantes
seemed - parecía
repetition - repetición
plays - obras de teatro
enough - Suficiente
dragged - arrastrado
doubts - dudas
dignity - dignidad
heard - oído
crowd - multitud
condition - condición
poets - poetas
between - entre
believing - creyendo
alright - bien
behind - detrás
called - llamado
alphabet - alfabeto
before - antes de
noticed - notado
again - de nuevo
could - podría
through - mediante
baddest - baddest
little - pequeño
drops - gotas
articulated - articulado
faces - caras
playing - jugando
falling - que cae
frequent - frecuente
gonna - va a
tonight - esta noche
stage - escenario
himself - él mismo
months - meses
holding - participación
seldom - raramente
pimps - proxenetas
everytime - cada vez
always - siempre
introverted - introvertido
repeating - repitiendo
kicks - patadas
letter - carta
manner - manera
inside - dentro
moans - gemidos
should - debería
music - música
watching - acecho
never - nunca
alley - callejón
noise - ruido
outside - fuera de
particular - especial
another - otro
place - lugar

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