If U leave her now

Ur never gonna 2 c her again - Never

Now she's gonna need a shoulder 2 cry on

She's gonna need a friend

She's gonna need a pillow case v something 2 put those tears on

And Eye've got some purple satin lacys

1 second later than the second U gone

She' gonna miss U at first

But then she's gonna buy me things

That's when Eye'm gonna lay her

'cross my piano stool and sing 2 her


Honey, Eye tried 2 tell him

That U were the marrying kind

water - agua
trying - molesto
tried - intentó
touched - tocado
tonight - esta noche
those - aquellos
there - ahí
tears - lágrimas
tricks - trucos
stool - taburete
solar - solar
shoulder - hombro
second - segundo
would - haría
recap - resumen
satin - satín
porkchop - chuleta de cerdo
glimpse - vislumbrar
things - cosas
something - alguna cosa
honey - miel
first - primero
enough - Suficiente
friend - amigo
purple - púrpura
marrying - casarse
chorus - coro
faithful - fiel
eclipse - eclipse
going - yendo
gonna - va a
woman - Mujer
polls - centro
guess - adivinar
nothing - nada
never - nunca
piano - piano
later - luego
another - otro
leave - salir
again - de nuevo
might - podría
missy - señorita
pillow - almohada

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