I´ve been long, a long way from here

Put on a poncho, played for mosquitos,

And drank til I was thirsty again

We went searching through thrift store jungles

Found Geronimo´s rifle, Marilyn´s shampoo

And Benny Goodman´s corset and pen

Well, o.k. I made this up

I promised you I´d never give up

If it makes you happy

It can´t be that bad

If it makes you happy

Then why the hell are you so sad

You get down, real low down

through - mediante
thrift - ahorro
there - ahí
store - almacenar
stoned - drogado
shampoo - champú
rifle - rifle
promised - prometido
poncho - poncho
searching - buscando
mosquitos - mosquitos
marilyn - marilyn
comics - historietas
scrape - raspar
bread - pan de molde
benny - benny
along - a lo largo
serve - servir
bring - traer
found - encontró
right - derecho
coltrane - coltrano
wrong - incorrecto
train - tren
everything - todo
everywhere - en todos lados
still - todavía
drank - bebió
again - de nuevo
corset - corsé
between - entre
derail - hacer descarrilar
toast - brindis
around - alrededor
never - nunca
french - francés
thirsty - sediento
goodman - buen hombre
before - antes de
geronimo - geronimo
round - redondo
played - jugó
happy - contento
makes - hace
jungles - selvas
listen - escucha

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