We cast a long shadow- suckin all the cold beneath

But there’s a reason- A Killer is a Lover with a knife in its teeth

We can settle in the dust and cave

Raise your hands if you want to be saved

In the middle is the bottom of me

A Taipei Person drinking Allah Tea- GO!

We Live/We Die/We Never Wonder Why

It’s Not/Too Late/To Fight The Hands of Fate

Well you can only scream your heart over and over for so long

Before you know it, you’re gonna lose your fucking mind

So don’t love, don’t hate- everybody’s dying baby I feel great

I’m running out of road but I’m still doing 75

Mellow Traumatic- ooh, looking like a Ponzi scheme

You’re so sentimental- all the weight of the worlds you’ve created are weak

I am the Voice of a Rude Generation

worlds - mundos
weight - peso
voice - voz
traumatic - traumático
there - ahí
suckin - chupar
still - todavía
settle - resolver
sentimental - sentimental
scream - gritar
scheme - esquema
seventy - setenta
running - corriendo
finger - dedo
bastard - bastardo
before - antes de
fight - lucha
population - población
drinking - bebida
generation - generacion
divorce - divorcio
force - fuerza
disaster - desastre
created - creado
teeth - dientes
coarseness - tosquedad
shadow - sombra
dying - moribundo
great - estupendo
beautiful - hermosa
panic - pánico
beneath - debajo
doing - obra
course - curso
bottom - fondo
another - otro
feeds - alimenta
wonder - preguntarse
allah - Alá
personality - personalidad
class - clase
fucking - maldito
saved - salvado
lover - amante
gonna - va a
hands - manos
mellow - meloso
middle - medio
everybody - todos
knife - cuchillo
castration - castración
raise - aumento
heart - corazón
invasion - invasión
punish - castigar
killer - asesino
looking - mirando
bleed - sangrar
never - nunca
person - persona
major - mayor
ponzi - ponzi
reason - razón

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