It's always around me, all this noise

But not nearly as loud as the voice saying

"Let it happen, let it happen (It's gonna feel so good)

Just let it happen, let it happen"

All this running around

Trying to cover my shadow

A ocean growing inside

All the others seem shallow

All this running around

Bearing down on my shoulders

I can hear an alarm

Must be morning

I heard about a whirlwind that's coming 'round

It's gonna carry off all that isn't bound

would - haría
while - mientras
wanna - quiere
voice - voz
vanish - desaparecer
ticker - corazón
thinking - pensando
longer - más
fails - falla
always - siempre
holding - participación
heard - oído
running - corriendo
whirlwind - torbellino
think - pensar
nearly - casi
inside - dentro
gonna - va a
shallow - superficial
coming - viniendo
fight - lucha
stupid - estúpido
moving - emocionante
through - mediante
others - otros
happen - ocurrir
cover - cubrir
trying - molesto
alarm - alarma
never - nunca
around - alrededor
bearing - cojinete
happens - sucede
saying - diciendo
closer - cerca
ticket - boleto
maybe - tal vez
ready - listo
sorry - lo siento
bound - ligado
growing - creciente
bounce - rebotar
someone - alguien
along - a lo largo
train - tren
shoulders - espalda
carry - llevar
might - podría
moment - momento
morning - mañana
mother - madre
noise - ruido
about - acerca de
sound - sonar
other - otro
ocean - oceano
scare - susto
shadow - sombra
story - historia

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