The towers of London, these crumbling rocks

Reality estates that the hero's got

And every hour's maked by the chime of a clock

And whatcha gonna do when the darkness surrounds?

You can piss in the lifts which have broken down

You can watch from the debris the last bedroom light

We're invisible here just past midnight

The wives hate their husbands and their husbands don't care

Their children daub slogans to prove they lived there

A giant pipe organ up in the air

would - haría
workers - trabajadores
which - cual
whatcha - whatcha
weary - cansado
watch - reloj
towering - imponente
tilts - inclina
these - estas
there - ahí
surrounds - rodea
surely - seguramente
strong - fuerte
estates - fincas
prove - probar
rocks - rocas
debris - escombros
crumbling - desmoronándose
holes - agujeros
commodity - mercancía
chime - repicar
darkness - oscuridad
buildings - edificios
raise - aumento
clear - claro
bedroom - cuarto
captivity - cautiverio
bones - huesos
corridors - corredores
clerks - empleados
lived - vivió
building - edificio
every - jeder
broken - roto
another - otro
lifts - ascensores
built - construido
their - su
anyone - nadie
exist - existe
giant - gigante
children - niños
organ - organo
faraway - muy lejos
gonna - va a
should - debería
ground - suelo
light - ligero
towers - torres
guilt - culpa
wives - esposas
dollars - dólares
husbands - maridos
really - de verdad
invisible - invisible
peeping - asomando
london - Londres
maked - hecho
midnight - medianoche
spent - gastado
misery - miseria
clock - reloj
morning - mañana
reality - realidad

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