Oh I miss the kiss of treachery

The shameless kiss of vanity

The soft and the black and the velvety

Up tight against the side of me

And mouth and eyes and heart all bleed

And run in thickening streams of greed

As bit by bit it starts the need

To just let go my party piece

Oh I miss the kiss of treachery

The aching kiss before I feed

The stench of a love for a younger meat

And the sound that it makes when it cuts in deep

The holding up on bended knees

The addiction of duplicities

As bit by bit it starts the need

To just let go my party piece

But I never said I would stay to the end

So I leave you with babies and hoping for frequency

Screaming like this in the hope of the secrecy

Screaming me over and over and over

I leave you with photographs, pictures of trickery

would - haría
sympathy - simpatía
stench - hedor
starts - empieza
streams - arroyos
sincerity - sinceridad
shameless - desvergonzado
secrecy - secreto
scenery - paisaje
round - redondo
pieces - piezas
thickening - espesamiento
piece - pieza
crowd - multitud
breath - aliento
crocodiles - cocodrilos
cheers - aclamaciones
carpet - alfombra
babies - criaturas
needle - aguja
behind - detrás
addiction - adicción
holding - participación
bended - doblado
sound - sonar
black - negro
about - acerca de
against - en contra
aching - dolor
photographs - fotografías
always - siempre
makes - hace
three - tres
anyone - nadie
pictures - imágenes
closer - cerca
again - de nuevo
party - fiesta
happiness - felicidad
before - antes de
greed - codicia
vanity - vanidad
dropping - goteante
breaking - rotura
crying - llorando
younger - mas joven
songs - canciones
screaming - gritando
easier - más fácil
through - mediante
heaven - cielo
dreams - sueños
trickery - astucia
treachery - traición
frequency - frecuencia
heart - corazón
velvety - aterciopelado
hoping - esperando
whole - todo
memory - memoria
sleep - dormir
ending - finalizando
apart - aparte
everyone - todo el mundo
stains - manchas
coming - viniendo
everything - todo
making - fabricación
glass - vaso
knees - rodillas
leave - salir
tight - apretado
mouth - boca
murmured - murmuró
bleed - sangrar
never - nunca

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