On candy stripe legs the spiderman comes

Softly through the shadow of the evening sun

Stealing past the windows of the blissfully dead

Looking for the victim shivering in bed

Searching out fear in the gathering gloom

and suddenly a movement in the corner of the room!

And there is nothing I can do When I realize with fright

That the spiderman is having me for dinner tonight!

windows - ventanas
victim - víctima
tongue - lengua
through - mediante
light - ligero
evening - noche
precious - precioso
having - teniendo
gathering - reunión
furry - peludo
realize - darse cuenta de
fright - susto
searching - buscando
flies - moscas
around - alrededor
blissfully - felizmente
dinner - cena
always - siempre
comes - proviene
candy - caramelo
creeps - grima
closer - cerca
corner - esquina
holes - agujeros
eaten - comido
quiet - tranquilo
gloom - oscuridad
shaking - sacudida
million - millón
tonight - esta noche
morning - mañana
hungry - hambriento
looking - mirando
movement - movimiento
being - siendo
nothing - nada
struggle - lucha
quietly - tranquilamente
shadow - sombra
quicker - más rápido
shivering - temblando
softer - más suave
softly - suavemente
spiderman - hombre araña
there - ahí
laughs - risas
stealing - robando
suddenly - repentinamente
still - todavía
stripe - raya
thousand - mil

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