It could have been her golden hair that turned my head

I didn't look to stare like I was hypnotized

But I was fixed on how she pointed slowly down and low I sank

And still without a sound the world was far away and I was tricked.

It could have been her silver skin that drew me on

I didn't mean to spin like I was mesmerised

But I was rapt without a name or memory

I waited there too scared to even breathe...

She sang...she sang...she sang...

She sang

"Tell me you love me and beg me to stay"

world - mundo
whole - todo
waited - esperado
turned - convertido
thrown - tirado
there - ahí
fixed - fijo
hypnotized - hipnotizado
evermore - cada vez más
without - sin
still - todavía
again - de nuevo
crystal - cristal
tricked - bureado
alone - solo
never - nunca
stare - mirar fijamente
point - punto
stupefied - estupefacto
silver - plata
golden - dorado
before - antes de
single - soltero
could - podría
breathe - respirar
hanging - colgando
mesmerised - hipnotizado
sound - sonar
memory - memoria
pointed - puntiagudo
return - regreso
scared - asustado
slowly - despacio

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