Sharp and open

Leave me alone

And sleeping less every night

As the days become heavier and weighted


In the cold light

A noise

A scream tears my clothes as the figurines tighten

With spiders inside them

And dust on the lips of a vision of hell

I laughed in the mirror for the first time in a year

A hundred other words blind me with your purity

Like an old painted doll in the throes of dance

I think about tomorrow

Please let me sleep

As I slip down the window

Freshly squashed fly

You mean nothing

You mean nothing

words - palabras
window - ventana
weighted - ponderado
vision - visión
touched - tocado
touch - toque
tomorrow - mañana
think - pensar
tears - lágrimas
waiting - esperando
squashed - aplastado
spiders - arañas
someone - alguien
sleeping - dormido
sleep - dormir
short - corto
sequence - secuencia
tighten - apretar
heart - corazón
writhing - retorciéndose
memory - memoria
girls - chicas
blind - ciego
while - mientras
anyone - nadie
explodes - explota
again - de nuevo
despair - desesperación
tonight - esta noche
crimson - carmesí
american - americano
alone - solo
light - ligero
secrets - misterios
press - prensa
hundred - cien
chinese - chino
first - primero
figurines - figurák
clean - limpiar
listen - escucha
stained - manchado
purity - pureza
dance - baile
become - volverse
sharp - agudo
hatred - odio
heavier - más pesado
throes - agonía
scream - gritar
image - imagen
freshly - 新鮮
haunts - frecuenta
inside - dentro
clothes - ropa
laughed - se rió
leave - salir
least - menos
mirror - espejo
right - derecho
every - jeder
myself - mí mismo
noise - ruido
about - acerca de
other - otro
never - nunca
night - noche
nothing - nada
please - por favor
painted - pintado
pressed - presionado

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