I love it all

These games we play

I close my eyes

You run away

I'm sure I asked you to stay

But now you're gone

And so I feel the grey

Pulse in my head

I turn off the lights and crawl into bed

I try to think of sunshine

But my body goes wet

With the first crash of thunder

I don't think I can know

Anyone but you dear

would - haría
thunder - trueno
thought - pensamiento
these - estas
there - ahí
sunshine - sol
stare - mirar fijamente
sleep - dormir
upstairs - piso de arriba
started - empezado
saturday - sábado
bright - brillante
games - juegos
talking - hablando
sister - hermana
asked - preguntó
minute - minuto
again - de nuevo
april - abril
anyone - nadie
think - pensar
alone - solo
after - después
close - cerca
crash - choque
alcoholic - alcohólico
dance - baile
summer - verano
jumped - saltó
everyone - todo el mundo
first - primero
always - siempre
crawl - gatear
night - noche
arranging - arreglando
lights - luces
pulse - legumbres

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