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The National - Conversation 16 traducción en Español (haciendo clic)

Conversation 16 - The National

palabras a estudiar

I think the kids are in trouble

Do not know what all the troubles are for

Give them ice for their fevers

You're the only thing I ever want anymore

We live on coffee and flowers

Try not to wonder what the weather will be

I figured out what we're missing

I tell you miserable things after you are asleep

Now we'll leave the silver city 'cause all the silver girls

Gave us black dreams

Leave the silver city 'cause all the silver girls

Everything means everything

It's a Hollywood summer

You'll never believe the shitty thoughts I think

Meet our friends out for dinner

When I said what I said I didn't mean anything

We belong in a movie

Try to hold it together 'til our friends are gone