When I was a young man I carried my pack

And I lived the free life of a rover

From the Murrays green basin to the dusty outback

I waltzed my Matilda all over

Then in nineteen fifteen my country said Son

It's time to stop rambling 'cause there's work to be


So they gave me a tin hat and they gave me a gun

And they sent me away to the war

And the band played Waltzing Matilda

As we sailed away from the quay

And amidst all the tears and the shouts and the


We sailed off to Gallipoli

How well I remember that terrible day

When the blood stained the sand and the water

And how in that hell that they called Suvla Bay

We were butchered like lambs at the slaughter

Johnny Turk he was ready, he primed himself well

He showered us with bullets, he rained us with


And in five minutes flat he'd blown us all to hell

Nearly blew us right back to Australia

But the band played Waltzing Matilda

As we stopped to bury our slain

And we buried ours and the Turks buried theirs

Then it started all over again

young - joven
worse - peor
world - mundo
wished - deseado
while - mientras
where - dónde
water - agua
waltzing - bailando
waltzed - bailó el vals
waiting - esperando
turned - convertido
turks - turcos
turkish - turco
their - su
thank - gracias
tears - lágrimas
still - todavía
started - empezado
stained - manchado
twisted - retorcido
glory - gloria
gangway - pasarela
forgotten - olvidado
circular - circular
survive - sobrevivir
every - jeder
dying - moribundo
shipped - enviado
hospital - hospital
matilda - matilda
proudly - orgullosamente
needs - necesariamente
weeks - semanas
dusty - polvoriento
dreams - sueños
cripples - tullidos
faces - caras
butchered - asesinado
stopped - detenido
christ - Cristo
stood - destacado
comrades - camaradas
fewer - menos
johnny - johnny
basin - cuenca
reliving - reviviendo
things - cosas
before - antes de
proud - orgulloso
answer - responder
collected - recogido
cheered - animado
april - abril
called - llamado
again - de nuevo
alive - viva
heroes - héroes
around - alrededor
higher - mayor
porch - porche
after - después
blood - sangre
stared - mirado
grieve - afligirse
seven - siete
armless - sin brazos
slain - matado
blind - ciego
wounded - herido
lambs - cordeiros
rambling - trepador
marching - de marcha
nobody - nadie
green - verde
cheers - aclamaciones
shells - conchas
country - país
blown - estropeado
terrible - terrible
shell - cáscara
buried - enterrado
fifteen - quince
bullets - balas
carried - llevado
insane - insano
legless - ohne beine
those - aquellos
myself - mí mismo
knocked - golpeado
lived - vivió
watch - reloj
looked - mirado
maimed - mutilado
living - vivo
minutes - minutos
australia - Australia
right - derecho
mourn - llorar
rained - llovió
nearly - casi

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