Now we're gonna talk about the postman

Who brings the paper in the morning

Who wakes up at the night to make his job right

With his bike driving all around the city

Delivers papers, oh isn't that pretty

Seven o'clock paper every, every morning

Sgain 'n' again, I think it would be just boring

About the weather cares he never ever damn

would - haría
weather - clima
warmer - más cálido
think - pensar
friends - amigos
papers - papeles
poker - póker
robbers - ladrones
empty - vacío
again - de nuevo
every - jeder
coming - viniendo
catches - capturas
attraction - atracción
fellow - compañero
between - entre
boring - aburrido
robin - robin
playing - jugando
local - local
dirty - sucio
delivers - entrega
joker - bromista
gonna - va a
generally - en general
brings - trae
never - nunca
batman - ordenanza
buildings - edificios
hello - hola
little - pequeño
people - gente
lives - vive
shall - deberá
wakes - despierta
turning - torneado
mention - mencionar
morning - mañana
enemies - enemigos
cares - cuida
sunny - soleado
water - agua
night - noche
number - número
about - acerca de
other - otro
paper - papel
driving - conducción
postman - cartero
pretty - bonita
right - derecho
around - alrededor
seven - siete

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