Teenage Mary said to Uncle Dave
I sold my soul, must be saved
Gonna take a walk down to Union Square
You never know who you're gonna find there
You gotta run, run, run, run, run
Take a drag or two
Run, run, run, run, run
Gypsy, death and you
Tell you whatcha do
Marguerita Passion had to get her fix
She wasn't well, she was getting sick
Went to sell her soul, she wasn't high
Didn't know, thinks she could buy it
And she would run, run, run
would - haría
union - unión
trolleys - carritos
uncle - tío
teenage - joven
there - ahí
taste - gusto
square - cuadrado
seven - siete
forty - cuarenta
wrapped - envuelto
scene - escena
beardless - barbilampiño
figured - figurado
thinks - piensa
could - podría
boots - botas
angels - ángeles
small - pequeña
around - alrededor
getting - consiguiendo
because - porque
waste - residuos
golden - dorado
gonna - va a
death - muerte
gypsy - gitano
gotta - tengo que
harry - acosar
himself - él mismo
screamed - gritó
heaven - cielo
whatcha - whatcha
hobnail - clavo
passion - pasión
never - nunca
sarah - sarah
turned - convertido
seasick - mareado
saved - salvado
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