Now and then I love you wake

Watch you as you sleep

And morning light around your face

The rhythm as you breathe

Once forever held me down

Today forever sweet

Heaven somewhere far beyond

Beyond this so need

All at once, I love you

I'm out of breath in out

It's been a long time coming

Our love is moving up

tumbles - cae
sweet - dulce
strong - fuerte
somewhere - algun lado
running - corriendo
sometimes - a veces
close - cerca
dreams - sueños
coming - viniendo
morning - mañana
sleep - dormir
every - jeder
rhythm - ritmo
breathe - respirar
beyond - más allá
though - aunque
leaves - hojas
watch - reloj
flying - volador
light - ligero
around - alrededor
breath - aliento
forever - siempre
today - hoy
fortress - fortaleza
wings - alas
hearts - copas
heaven - cielo
indeed - en efecto
moving - emocionante
blind - ciego
learnt - aprendido
mains - red eléctrica

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