I know what I was doing was the wrong thing, Baby
Give in to my desire for a night
Thought when the morning comes
Nothing will tell of the fire
But my guilt didn't fade with the light
Look at the tears this grown man cries
Rivers of hope fall from my eyes
Don't let it end, I'm on my knees
Stay, baby, stay, oh please
Now here I stand before you, girl, and have to hurt you
wrong - incorrecto
wings - alas
thing - cosa
tears - lágrimas
stand - estar
silence - silencio
please - por favor
desire - deseo
nothing - nada
break - descanso
begin - empezar
morning - mañana
night - noche
comes - proviene
doing - obra
forgetting - olvidando
again - de nuevo
believing - creyendo
crying - llorando
witness - testigo
rivers - ríos
cries - llantos
forgive - perdonar
broken - roto
before - antes de
forgiveness - perdón
grown - crecido
heart - corazón
knees - rodillas
guilt - culpa
light - ligero
thought - pensamiento
loving - amoroso
needs - necesariamente
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