I know the pieces fit

'Cause I watched them fall away

Mildewed and smouldering

Fundamental differing

Pure intention juxtaposed

Will set two lovers' souls in motion

Disintegrating as it goes

Testing our communication

The light that feuled our fire then

Has a burned a hole between us so

We cannot see to reach an end

Crippling our communication

I know the pieces fit

'Cause I watched them tumble down

No fault, none to blame

It doesn't mean I don't desire to

Point the finger, blame the other

Watch the temple topple over

To bring the pieces back together

worth - valor
watched - mirado
watch - reloj
unless - a no ser que
topple - derrocar
together - juntos
there - ahí
testing - pruebas
tendency - tendencia
temple - templo
souls - almas
tumble - caída
enough - Suficiente
crumble - desmoronarse
crescendo - crescendo
supposed - supuesto
squaring - cuadratura
pieces - piezas
strangled - estrangulado
crippling - herida
reach - alcanzar
dangers - peligros
blame - culpa
concert - concierto
compassion - compasión
communication - comunicación
between - entre
poetry - poesía
atrophy - atrofia
coveting - codicia
strengthen - fortalecer
cannot - no poder
other - otro
burned - quemado
brothers - hermanos
sometimes - a veces
desire - deseo
dissonance - disonancia
differing - diferente
light - ligero
circling - dando vueltas
comes - proviene
doomed - condenado
rediscover - redescubrir
finding - hallazgo
finger - dedo
first - primero
sense - sentido
guessing - adivinación
beauty - belleza
fault - culpa
intention - intención
juxtaposed - yuxtapuestos
lovers - amantes
motion - movimiento
bring - traer
fundamental - fundamental
mildewed - mohoso
disintegrating - desintegrándose
point - punto
second - segundo
silence - silencio
smouldering - latente

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