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So a lot of what we do here
is fetish.
Fetish is not about sex.
It's about power play.
So would you feel comfortable
playing a top or bottom?
Well, I haven't... haven't really done
any of that before,
so I don't know.
Well, if you decided to,
then you would generally
start out as a bottom,
and that means you would be
the one being tied up,
and then you can be a top,
but everybody has
their own preferences, so...
Okay, well, that's something
I can think about.
Okay, I just have
a few more questions,
and I don't want to make you
feel uncomfortable.
It's just good to get
all this stuff out of the way.
So how do you feel about girls?
I like them.
Have you ever had sex
with a girl?
Oh, you move really fast.
We can take as long
as you'd like, so...
Would you feel comfortable
with a girl touching your chest?
Yeah, sure.
But no guy-girl penetration.
Not on camera, I don't think.
What about transgender?
What about them?
We have you down for a solo
masturbation scene and a striptease.
And your rate is
five hundred dollars.
- Yeah.
- Okay, great.
would - haría
touching - conmovedor
stuff - cosas
striptease - estriptís
start - comienzo
transgender - transgénero
think - pensar
something - alguna cosa
scene - escena
really - de verdad
chest - pecho
about - acerca de
everybody - todos
camera - cámara
their - su
being - siendo
before - antes de
bottom - fondo
fetish - fetiche
hundred - cien
means - medio
comfortable - cómodo
generally - en general
preferences - preferencias
great - estupendo
decided - decidido
masturbation - masturbación
uncomfortable - incómodo
girls - chicas
penetration - penetración
dollars - dólares
questions - preguntas
playing - jugando
power - poder
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