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So what do you think, Father?
Is there
something new we could do?
Well, we all love
the Christmas hymns,
but it might be jolly
to include a secular song.
Yes. It's beginning to look a lot like
Christmas. Something like that.
What would be the point
of a secular song?
Just fun.
Or Frosty the Snowman.
That's a good one.
We could have one of the boys dress
up as a snowman, dance around.
Which boy?
We'd do tryouts.
Frosty the Snowman espouses
a pagan belief in magic.
The snowman comes to life when an
enchanted hat is put on his head.
If the music were more somber,
people would realize the images are
disturbing and the song heretical.
I never thought about Frosty
the Snowman like that.
It should be banned
from the airwaves.
So, not Frosty the Snowman.
Oh, It's Beginning To Look like...
A Lot Like Christmas would
be fine, I suppose.
Parents would like it.
May I ask what you're writing
down with that ballpoint pen?
Oh, nothing.
It's an idea for a sermon.
Oh. You had one
right now?
I get them all the time.
How fortunate.
I forget them, so I have
to write them down.
- What is the idea?
- Intolerance.
- Would you like a little more tea, Father?
- Not yet.
It's a new time, Sister.
What's new about it?
Something inside
of people is new.
There is nothing new
under the sun.
The Church needs to change.
We should sing a song
from the radio now and then,
take the kids out
for ice cream.
Sweet tooth.
And maybe take the boys
on a camping trip.
writing - escritura
would - haría
under - debajo
tooth - diente
thought - pensamiento
which - cual
think - pensar
there - ahí
snowman - monigote de nieve
sermon - sermón
forget - olvidar
father - padre
something - alguna cosa
inside - dentro
camping - cámping
dance - baile
cream - crema
belief - creencia
heretical - herético
write - escribir
disturbing - perturbador
could - podría
little - pequeño
sweet - dulce
people - gente
fortunate - afortunado
include - incluir
around - alrededor
tryouts - audiciones
somber - sombrío
about - acerca de
banned - prohibido
ballpoint - bolígrafo
maybe - tal vez
point - punto
right - derecho
beginning - comenzando
might - podría
comes - proviene
espouses - abrazar
church - iglesia
change - cambio
frosty - escarchado
should - debería
music - música
never - nunca
hymns - himnos
sister - hermana
images - imágenes
intolerance - intolerancia
jolly - alegre
magic - magia
enchanted - encantado
airwaves - ondas
needs - necesariamente
parents - padres
nothing - nada
dress - vestir
pagan - pagano
christmas - navidad
radio - radio
realize - darse cuenta de
suppose - suponer
secular - secular
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