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Ladies and gentlemen, I'm sorry to
drag you from your delicious desserts.
There are just one or two little things
I feel I should say, as best man.
This is only the second time
I've ever been a best man.
I hope I did the job all right that time.
The couple in question
are at least still talking to me.
Unfortunately, they're not
actually talking to each other.
The divorce came through
a couple of months ago.
But I'm assured it had absolutely
nothing to do with me.
Apparently, Paula knew that Piers
had slept with her younger sister
before I mentioned it in the speech.
The fact that he'd slept
with her mother came as a surprise,
but… I think was incidental to the
nightmare of recrimination and violence
that became their two-day marriage.
Anyway, enough of that.
My job today is to talk about Angus.
There are no skeletons in his cupboard.
Or so I thought.
I'll come on to that in a minute.
I would just like to say this.
I am, as ever,
in bewildered awe
of anyone who makes
this kind of commitment
that Angus and Laura have made today.
I know I couldn't do it and…
…I think it's wonderful they can.
So, anyway, back to Angus and those sheep.
So, ladies and gentlemen,
if you'd raise your glasses,
the adorable couple.
The adorable couple!
The adorable couple!
things - cosas
surprise - sorpresa
still - todavía
sorry - lo siento
violence - violencia
slept - dormido
think - pensar
glasses - gafas
desserts - postres
enough - Suficiente
couple - pareja
divorce - divorcio
commitment - compromiso
unfortunately - desafortunadamente
bewildered - desconcertado
wonderful - maravilloso
speech - habla
anyway - de todas formas
paula - paula
should - debería
apparently - aparentemente
angus -
younger - mas joven
absolutely - absolutamente
delicious - delicioso
marriage - matrimonio
before - antes de
recrimination - recriminación
sister - hermana
actually - actualmente
those - aquellos
their - su
anyone - nadie
would - haría
adorable - adorable
least - menos
skeletons - esqueletos
incidental - incidental
thought - pensamiento
ladies - señoras
sheep - oveja
became - convirtió
raise - aumento
through - mediante
minute - minuto
little - pequeño
piers - muelles
makes - hace
mentioned - mencionado
today - hoy
second - segundo
assured - seguro
gentlemen - caballeros
months - meses
mother - madre
nightmare - pesadilla
nothing - nada
talking - hablando
about - acerca de
laura - laura
other - otro
there - ahí
question - pregunta
cupboard - alacena
right - derecho
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