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Four Weddings and a Funeral - To the Adorable Couple (Es)

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    Categoría: Movie Scenes
    guion de vídeo
    palabras a estudiar

    Ladies and gentlemen, I'm sorry to
    drag you from your delicious desserts.

    There are just one or two little things
    I feel I should say, as best man.

    This is only the second time
    I've ever been a best man.

    I hope I did the job all right that time.

    The couple in question
    are at least still talking to me.

    Unfortunately, they're not
    actually talking to each other.

    The divorce came through
    a couple of months ago.

    But I'm assured it had absolutely
    nothing to do with me

    Apparently, Paula knew that Piers
    had slept with her younger sister

    before I mentioned it in the speech.

    The fact that he'd slept
    with her mother came as a surprise,

    butI think was incidental to the
    nightmare of recrimination and violence

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