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What was I saying about the...
I have an agenda.
Which is that I have to immediately...
increase the ad pages here by 20 percent.
20 percent? Carter, only a startup magazine can do that.
Yeah, well, I think this team can do it, Dan.
That's an awesome question. "How?"
And the answer is synergy.
We need to team up here.
Yeah, we need to synchronize
and we need to synergize.
We're not alone. We're not alone.
We're part of one of the biggest multimedia
and brand name companies in the known universe, okay?
Let's... let's take advantage of that, like...
Krispity Krunch.
Did anyone know that one of our sister companies is Krispity Krunch?
So we talk to our brothers and sisters over at Krispity Krunch.
We make a deal where we supply sports factoids to their boxes.
So that when Joe Couch Potato is sitting there,
he's... snacking, and he looks down, and what does he see?
Sports America Krispity Krunch sports factoids.
He's definitely buying more Krispity Krunch
and not Krunch 'n Krackle
which, by the way, looks and tastes exactly the same.
But guess what? No sports factoids.
And Krispity Krunch is so happy that they guarantee us 28 pages a year.
Besides which, they know if they don't,
Teddy K. Is gonna be pissed.
What is that? What am I talking about here, people?
Isn't that cheating?
No, no. Hell, no.
And... Techline cell phones. We own Techline cell phones.
Guess what we put on their browser?
- Factoids. - Yes! Factoids! Synergy!
And what else? Box scores. And ads!
We make a deal. We're like a 100,000 hits on the Internet
has the equivalent value of one ad page of our hard copy.
Are you getting it, people?
The magazine has become just a portal
to a synergized world of cross-promotion.
We're gonna bust things wide open.
We are gonna take things to the next level. Who's with me?
Who's with me? Who's... who's psyched?
Lou, are you psyched?
- Yeah. Yeah, I'm psyched. - Okay.
- Alicia, are you psyched? - Absolutely.
Better. This guy. I'm sorry, I don't know your name yet.
Hector. I'm in maintenance.
That's cool. Hector...
Hector, I know you're psyched.
I'm psyched!
Yes, Hector's psyched!
And if Hector's psyched, then you know I'm psyched.
I am psyched for this team.
Now who else is with me? Who's psyched?
I'm psyched!
Excellent. Who else? Come on.
Who do you think will be the first to get canned?
My money's on Dan. He's prehistoric.
world - mundo
value - valor
which - cual
think - pensar
techline - techline
where - dónde
tastes - gustos
synergy - Sinergia
synergized - sinergizado
synchronize - sincronizar
supply - suministro
sports - deportes
sorry - lo siento
sitting - sentado
scores - puntuaciones
psyched - emocionado
prehistoric - prehistórico
percent - por ciento
things - cosas
phones - teléfonos
people - gente
potato - patata
multimedia - multimedia
portal - portal
maintenance - mantenimiento
carter - carretero
sister - hermana
browser - navegador
brand - marca
krackle - krackle
pissed - molesto
looks - mira
getting - consiguiendo
better - mejor
sisters - hermanas
magazine - revista
immediately - inmediatamente
cheating - engañando
besides - además
promotion - promoción
alicia - alicia
brothers - hermanos
krispity - Krispity
canned - enlatado
buying - compra
agenda - agenda
universe - universo
there - ahí
question - pregunta
advantage - ventaja
level - nivel
talking - hablando
about - acerca de
america - america
absolutely - absolutamente
definitely - seguro
biggest - más grande
become - volverse
cross - cruzar
alone - solo
answer - responder
happy - contento
awesome - increíble
companies - compañías
couch - sofá
equivalent - equivalente
exactly - exactamente
factoids - factoides
first - primero
gonna - va a
boxes - cajas
excellent - excelente
guarantee - garantía
pages - páginas
hector - Héctor
synergize - sinergizar
snacking - merienda
saying - diciendo
guess - adivinar
internet - Internet
their - su
anyone - nadie
known - conocido
teddy - osito de peluche
increase - incrementar
startup - puesta en marcha
krunch - krunch
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