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Hey! Excuse me.
What's up, man? Wanted
to catch a fade, huh?
- Dick pic!
- Think it's okay, huh?
Sending pictures of your knob
to a 15-year-old girl?
You're lucky I don't end
your life right now,
carrot top. - And I saw
what you wrote to her:
"If you don't show
me something soon,
then I'm gonna lose interest."
Y'know, that's
actually sexual assault, young man.
It's disgusting!
- Oh, boohoo!
Not such a big man
now, are you, huh?
Come on, whip it out!
Show everybody those
big shaved plums
you're so proud of! - We're
gonna call your mom,
we're gonna tell
the principal,
and we may even call the police.
What do you think
of that, Jacob?
My name's not Jacob!
- What?
- My name is Charlie.
That's Charlie.
Yeah, that's Charlie.
- I thought you said his name
was Jacob. - Really?
And my plums aren't shaved.
Or big.
I'm so sorry. Oh, God.
I'm so sorry, honey.
Come on, buddy,
suck it up. It's a
little SNAFU, okay?
Come on.
Give me a hug, Charlie.
All right, look at me.
Do you happen to know
anybody named Jacob
who might be hanging
around with our daughter,
Lizzy Viara?
The janitor? The adult-ass janitor?
- Oh, my God.
Come on, let's get the janitor.
- Hey, I'm so sorry about this.
- Ellie, come on!
Thank you so much!
He didn't do any of that.
- Come on, Ellie.
- He didn't do any of it!
- Hurry up!
- I'm so sorry, Charlie!
I think we're gonna
be late for school.
Ellie. He's on a Zamboni.
Come on!
Hey! Hey, you!
Excuse me.
I'm talking to you.
- How old are you, Jump Street?
- Why you want to know?
Hey, lady, gimme that.
That's not yours.
Twenty two! He's 22.
- Yeah, I'm 22.
So what? - So this won't
be child abuse. Pete!
Hey, you ever
touch, text,
or think about our
daughter ever again,
and you're a dead man.
I'm gonna sue you, man!
You're not even her parents!
Would not-her-parents do this?
Sh... Miss Peppers!
Whoa. Whoa.
What's happening here?
This man has been
sending lewd comments
and photos
to our daughter.
You're going to
jail today, Jacob!
You mind calling the police?
Thank you! - Hurry up!
Miss Peppers!
zamboni -
young - joven
wrote - escribió
would - haría
today - hoy
thought - pensamiento
those - aquellos
think - pensar
thank - gracias
street - calle
sorry - lo siento
something - alguna cosa
sexual - sexual
sending - enviando
really - de verdad
excuse - excusa
daughter - hija
honey - miel
ellie - ellie
calling - vocación
disgusting - asqueroso
carrot - zanahoria
actually - actualmente
happen - ocurrir
jacob - jacob
charlie - charlie
anybody - nadie
yours - tuya
school - colegio
abuse - abuso
principal - director de escuela
absolutely - absolutamente
child - niño
adult - adulto
again - de nuevo
boohoo - ejha
might - podría
everybody - todos
right - derecho
named - llamado
talking - hablando
about - acerca de
around - alrededor
lizzy - lizzy
interest - interesar
photos - fotos
twenty - veinte
assault - asalto
buddy - compañero
police - policía
gimme - dame
wanted - querido
going - yendo
gonna - va a
catch - captura
hanging - colgando
happening - sucediendo
parents - padres
comments - comentarios
hurry - prisa
peppers - pimientos
plums - ciruelas
snafu - snafu
proud - orgulloso
janitor - portero
little - pequeño
pictures - imágenes
lucky - suerte
touch - toque
shaved - afeitado
mother - madre
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