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Like a Boss (2020) - Blue Waffles Scene (Es)

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    Categoría: Movie Scenes
    guion de vídeo
    palabras a estudiar

    Obviously, I overestimated you two.

    You are nothing but a baby and a bully.

    You know what? No, okay?

    We're smart, and we're strong,

    and we're best friends, and we love and respect each other.

    And you know what you are, Claire Luna?

    You're a lying, manipulative, conniving, backstabbing,

    bucktoothed, Jessica Rabbit-looking motherfucker!

    Ooh, that is good.

    You surprised me with the whole teeth thing,

    'cause they are looking crazy. But keep going.

    And you know what else you have? You have Blue Waffles.

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