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Mean Girls - Meeting the Plastics (Es)

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    Haz clic en una palabra o selecciona una expresión para ver la traducción


    Haz clic en "más" para añadir una palabra/frase para aprender


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    Categoría: Movie Scenes
    guion de vídeo
    palabras a estudiar

    Why don't I know you?

    I'm new. I just moved here from Africa.

    - What?
    - I used to be home-schooled.

    Wait. What?

    - My mom taught me at home...
    - No, no.

    I know what home-school is.
    I'm not retarded.

    So you've actually never been
    to a real school before?

    Shut up.
    Shut up.

    - I didn't say anything.
    - Home-schooled.

    - That's really interesting.
    - Thanks.

    But you're, like, really pretty.

    - Thank you.
    - So you agree.

    Haz clic en una palabra o selecciona una expresión para ver la traducción


    Haz clic en "más" para añadir una palabra/frase para aprender
