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Open Season 2 - Vicious Wild Animals (Es)

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    Categoría: Animation
    guion de vídeo
    palabras a estudiar

    Did you hear they found Mr. Weenie?
    Isn't that great?

    - Are you sure? - I heard he lived with
    wild animals. - No! That's horrible.

    - He's lucky they didn't hurt him.
    - Or kill him.

    Or worse.

    I was once in the vicious clutches of
    wild animals. - You were? - I was.

    What was it like?

    It's too painful
    for me to talk about.

    Gather round.

    Okay, Fifi. You want the squeaky toy?
    - There I was.

    - All alone.
    - You want it?

    Alone in that steaming jungle.

    That unforgivable heart of darkness,
    where you can't see your own paws.

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