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Did you hear they found Mr. Weenie?
Isn't that great?
- Are you sure? - I heard he lived with
wild animals. - No! That's horrible.
- He's lucky they didn't hurt him.
- Or kill him.
Or worse.
I was once in the vicious clutches of
wild animals. - You were? - I was.
What was it like?
It's too painful
for me to talk about.
Gather round.
Okay, Fifi. You want the squeaky toy?
- There I was.
- All alone.
- You want it?
Alone in that steaming jungle.
That unforgivable heart of darkness,
where you can't see your own paws.
And the only sound is the frantic,
but adorable...
...pitter-patter of your own heart.
When suddenly...
They were everywhere.
There was no escape.
My life flashed before my eyes,
and then the unspeakable...
- What happened? Did you live?
- What happened?
I'll show you what happened.
Let this be a lesson to you all.
- How ghastly.
- It's so pink.
- That is one sad tail.
- I want a girlfriend.
Don't interrupt now. Please?
I lost two things on that day: my
innocence... and my squeaky toy.
Oh, you poor, sweet thing.
Speak of the devil.
- Disgusting.
- Oh, no.
Not the fuzzy little bunny.
Don't you understand?
We must remain vigilant.
Even one wild animal among us... can
send us back to those dark days of anarchy.
Come on, but he's so cute.
Pay attention.
Even one little fuzzy bunny
can infest us all.
Like the fleas on Roberto's back,
they must all be eradicated.
I'm gonna tear you apart.
Fifi! Heel!
One day, you vile little beast.
One day, I will personally
teach you a lesson...
...you will never forget!
I'm coming, Mother.
worse - peor
where - dónde
weenie - weenie
vicious - vicioso
thing - cosa
teach - enseñar
suddenly - repentinamente
things - cosas
sweet - dulce
steaming - humeante
squeaky - chirriador
speak - hablar
pitter - pitter
patter - tamborileo
fleas - pulgas
gather - reunir
personally - personalmente
heart - corazón
those - aquellos
everywhere - en todos lados
escape - escapar
devil - diablo
understand - entender
eradicated - erradicado
unforgivable - imperdonable
disgusting - asqueroso
infest - infestar
lucky - suerte
unspeakable - indecible
bunny - conejito
round - redondo
frantic - frenético
coming - viniendo
horrible - horrible
before - antes de
among - entre
flashed - flasheado
alone - solo
apart - aparte
gonna - va a
sound - sonar
about - acerca de
anarchy - anarquía
there - ahí
clutches - embragues
jungle - selva
animal - animal
animals - animales
attention - atención
adorable - adorable
darkness - oscuridad
beast - bestia
forget - olvidar
found - encontró
fuzzy - borroso
ghastly - horrible
lived - vivió
girlfriend - novia
heard - oído
great - estupendo
remain - permanecer
happened - pasó
mother - madre
interrupt - interrumpir
vigilant - vigilante
please - por favor
lesson - lección
innocence - inocencia
little - pequeño
never - nunca
painful - doloroso
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