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If we fail with you,
then everything that we've tried to do
here will be discredited. Everything.
We're on the front lines of a war
here, old boy.
And right now, it all comes down to you.
- Don't move! Don't move!
- Andrew! Andrew! No. No.
My name
is Edward Daniels!
This one's loaded.
I can tell by the weight.
I see. And that's your firearm, Marshal?
You're sure?
My initials are on the side.
There's a dent in the barrel
from when Philip Stacks shot at me.
You're not gonna fuck with my mind
on this one, Doctor!
Then blast away.
Because that's the only way
you're ever getting off this island.
Andrew, please don't.
My gun.
What did you do to my goddamn gun?
It's a toy, Andrew.
We're telling you the truth.
Dolores was insane,
manic-depressive, suicidal.
You drank, stayed away,
ignored what everyone told you.
You moved to that lake house
after she purposely set
your city apartment on fire.
All you've done is lie!
Your children. Andrew, your children.
Simon. Henry.
I never had any children.
Your wife drowned them
at the cabin by the lake.
And here, the little girl, the
one you dream of every night.
I never had a little girl.
The one who tells you over and over
that you should have saved her,
saved them all.
Your daughter, her name was Rachel.
Are you going to deny
that she ever lived?
weight - peso
truth - verdad
tried - intentó
tells - dice
telling - narración
stacks - pilas
simon - simon
should - debería
saved - salvado
suicidal - suicida
right - derecho
everyone - todo el mundo
discredited - desacreditado
purposely - a propósito
doctor - doctor
henry - enrique
dolores - dolores
goddamn - maldito
daughter - hija
edward - eduardo
depressive - depresivo
insane - insano
apartment - apartamento
blast - explosión
drank - bebió
firearm - arma de fuego
philip - philip
rachel - rachel
after - después
everything - todo
every - jeder
because - porque
cabin - cabina
children - niños
dream - sueño
daniels - daniels
comes - proviene
night - noche
getting - consiguiendo
drowned - ahogue
manic - maniático
barrel - barril
lines - líneas
gonna - va a
island - isla
house - casa
ignored - ignorado
andrew - Andrés
little - pequeño
stayed - se quedó
front - frente
initials - iniciales
lived - vivió
loaded - cargado
marshal - mariscal
going - yendo
moved - movido
please - por favor
never - nunca
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