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Stir Crazy - Getting Chow (Es)

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    Categoría: Movie Scenes
    guion de vídeo
    palabras a estudiar

    These are delicious.

    Aren't you amazed at the quality
    of these vegetables, in a prison?

    I'm amazed at what's
    crawling around in our soup.

    - What are you talking about?
    - Little creatures.

    - Where?
    - There.

    What's the story with him?
    Why does he get a separate table?

    That's Grossberger...

    the biggest mass murderer
    in the history of the Southwest.

    My dear, he killed his entire family...
    and all his relatives in one weekend.

    And then he killed two more people
    that reminded him of his family.

    Is he here for rehabilitation?

    He threw the chaplain
    through a wall over at the library...

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